Monthly Mastermind Topics
September 2019 - May 2020
Here is the roadmap of where we are headed each month. These themes will guide your monthly mastermind conversations, webinars, podcasts, and resources.
September 2019
Know Your Context
Who are you neighbors? Do you know the composition of your church congregation and surrounding community? What are demographics of your area? Are they changing. Let’s ask those questions together.
December 2019
The Practice Of Silence
Maybe the best thing we could offer this Advent-Christmas season is a little bit of quiet amidst all the noise. Let’s practice listening together this season.
March 2020
Take A Break
What if there were a few days this Spring that were your “Spring Break?” away from the ministry grind. Not another trip for your students, but a break for you?
October 2019
Make The Change
Leaders are measured by their capacity for making and managing successful change. How will you evaluate the changes you have and must make, small or large, for your youth ministry?
January 2020
Making Big Plans
New year, new? What will you do with the calendar year of 2020? How will you make the most of the year by starting with the months, weeks, and days?
April 2020
The Practice Of Silence
Faith moves outward. It overflows and ripples from our heart, life, family, church, and community to the world! Expand the circles with us.
November 2019
Culture Of Worry
They say that this is the most anxious generation to have ever lived. You are youth minister to the most anxious generation. How are you doing? And, how are you ministering differently because of this new age?
February 2020
Always Be Recruiting
Growing leaders know this to be true “closers get coffee” but the successful are always out there recruiting because growth is anticipated.
May 2020
Your Voice
If God’s calling is on your life then you have a message to preach and proclaim. What will your lasting work be for the everlasting Lord?